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Förskola BINGO

Förskola BINGO

What is your experience of having children in Swedish förskola? Anything that should be added or omitted from this bingo sheet? Send us an email at or tag us on social media. We are @lysandelagom. Do you want to know more about how to connect...
Are you ready to open a can of words?

Are you ready to open a can of words?

“Get me a chocolate muffins,” my Swedish friend says. “I’ll fix a taxi.”  As I stroll into the bakery, I realise that a novice to Sweden might be confused at this point. What exactly did my friend order? How many oversized cupcakes is “a muffins”? The answer is one....
Swedish word of the day: Sugen

Swedish word of the day: Sugen

You know that sucking feeling when your body or mind really wants something? Well, the Swedes made a word for it! Sugen. Pronounced, according to your favourite anglo-something lifestyle magazine as [soohgen], but obviously, not really, as the Swedish long U sound...