av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Make Sweden your Home
I am often told miracle anecdotes about people who learn fluent Swedish in three months. Apparently, this makes others feel inspired, and it is also concluded that such fast progress is due to motivation. “She really wanted to learn.” I am very sceptical to all of...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Swedish language
You know when you want to make that monster really frightening, and you end up calling it a pattern? There must be plenty of post-ignorant expats out there, laughing smugly at their idiotic co-patriots who are too ignorant to take those dots seriously enough. When...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Make Sweden your Home
The word think, or the equivalent(s) in your language, is conveniently translated into three different words in Swedish: tycker, tänker, tror. Do not believe that you can use these sporadically, as per your own preference, because for any Swede, these three words have...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Make Sweden your Home
To celebrate the change of clocks this weekend, please find this guide to help you through the tunnel, that will be the experience of your Swedish life up until mid-April next year. Why? Like most people, I believe that it is not the cold that presents the greatest...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Swedish language
There are some more complicated and some less complicated challenges when it comes to Swedish pronunciation. I have collected five particularities of the Swedish language, that should be rather easy to master technically, as soon as you have recognised their...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Swedish language
It is late mid morning, and your Swedish colleague you are working together with, suddenly says: Hejurere? Jörenåt aja ätelunch nu? Jae ungri. You will need to answer with: Reelungt. Gårebra omja joinarej? Your colleague, a bit distracted on their phone, goes: Vasaru?...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Make Sweden your Home
It is late September and the Swedish business crowd is back to business after sealing all the important deals under the pretence of leisure and below birch branches in the summer gardens. You are back to business, too, doing your best to blend into the crowd of...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Swedish language
If you are talking about 100 % of something, how do you express that in Swedish? There is hel, helt, and hela, but also all, allt and alla. There is a logic to it, but there are many parameters to keep track of. ALL or ALLT First of all, because this is the easiest....
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Nordic Noir, Swedish language
Pick up a Nordic Noir novel to help make the leap to reading in Swedish. You’ll already know the basic framework and flow of the story as most crime thrillers follow a similar pattern and you can focus on organically learning new words as you go along. By Sofi...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Make Sweden your Home
Originally, this occasion was to celebrate the winter solstice With the change of calendars in 1753 (from the Julian to the Gregorian), the dates moved backwards. Up until then, December the 13:th marked the winter solstice. As this was the longest night of the year,...