av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Make Sweden your Home, Working in Sweden
Do I need to speak Swedish to get a job? It is not necessary that you speak Swedish for all professions. In business, IT, engineering, design, research, and many other fields, many companies hire international team members on a regular basis, and the working language...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Make Sweden your Home, Working in Sweden
Make sure they can see your potential If you are good at what you do, you will probably be good at it anywhere. Being intelligent, well educated, serious, and having the appropriate work experience and skills is not culture dependent. However, when we talk about our...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, fre | Swedish language
Enough of lagom Although even hugely accessible sources, like Wikipedia, claim the opposite, most Swedes believe that the word lagom cannot be translated into other languages. There is a huge myth surrounding this little word, it almost has the status of a conceptual...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, tor | Dear Writer
Dear writer, I am so pleased to see how productive you’ve been recently, thanks for forwarding me the updates. However, I think we need to talk about plot. The exhibition opening story, for example. What a lovely evening you have depicted! What beautiful people you...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, tor | Dear Writer, Okategoriserad
Dear writer, Thanks for your explanatory note about the boarding school (girls only) in the town of Lycksele. I do appreciate that you, the author, is the God and creator of the reality you are depicting, and in fact, that this reality is entirely fictional. Yes, of...
av LYS editorial team | 2019, nov, tor | Dear Writer
Dear writer, I do understand your concern about your biography. Like you, I started my career somewhere else, and to my disappointment circumstances came in the way and it was discontinued. What grief I went through. I could not bear to identify with the tasks that...
av Emil Molander | 2019, nov, ons | Podcast, Svensk kultur
Prenumerera: | | Är julen hotad? Det verkar ju så när man läser inlägg från arga människor som inte gillar att det finns vintermust, manliga Lucior eller bortklippta scener ur Kalle Anka. Sofi tar dock upp ett reellt hot mot julen i hennes egen familj, nämligen att...
av Emil Molander | 2019, nov, ons | Podcast, Svensk kultur
Prenumerera: | | Vad är det mest störande av våra svenska beteenden? Är det att man förväntas finna sig i att vara naken bland andra, fet och ful som man är? Eller är det förhatliga niandet det som mest får oss att rysa? Vissa kanske tycker att det är mer irriterande...
av Emil Molander | 2019, nov, ons | Podcast, Svensk kultur
Lyssna här: Prenumerera: | | I detta avsnitt, featuring Mattias Axelsson, författaren till Tacos, tvättstuga och tack för senast, dyker vi ner i svenska dryckesvanor och går igenom vad vi själva brukar dricka och varför vi dricker som vi dricker i Sverige. Hur stolta...
av Emil Molander | 2019, okt, ons | Podcast, Svensk kultur
Lyssna här: Prenumerera: | | Mattias Axelsson, författare till Tacos, tvättstuga och tack för senast läser ett recept på lungmos ur Tore Wretmans Svensk husmanskost. Vad har du nu för ursäkt för att inte äta det? Va? Va? VA?!