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Best Upcoming Crime Fictions of 2021

Best Upcoming Crime Fictions of 2021

The new year, 2021, brings with it an array of exciting and sensational crime fictions. A portion of what is in stock for the year to come includes: proceedings with a brilliant retro of ladies composing spy fiction, another flood of Nordic noirs, some Swedish...
Behind Blue Eyes by CS Duffy

Behind Blue Eyes by CS Duffy

A young English woman, Ellie, moves to Stockholm from London to live with the man she loves, Johan. A Midsummer party in the archipelago sets off a series of unexpected events, and Ellie starts doubting the motives of her boyfriend. In a new country, where she...
What Smilla has taught me about snow

What Smilla has taught me about snow

A reader’s first foray into a specific literary genre can define their future reading enjoyment and set a benchmark for all novels that follow. The proliferation of Nordic Noir means some readers are picking up defining classics after they have been converted...
Missed meals in fiction

Missed meals in fiction

The writing is done, the book is published, the sales are coming in… and so to the questions about the story and the process. Hindsight is a hard task master but one that we bow down to even when we know we’ve done a great job. By Gil Reavill, co-author of This Land...