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Räkna på svenska

Siffror, tal, nummer och matematik i vardagligt språk
Sofi Tegsveden Deveaux
134 pages

150 kr

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Would you like to improve your Swedish when it comes to hearing numbers and talking about them? Are you struggling  when someone tells your their phone number in Swedish, or when you listen to conversations about prices, temperatures, sizes and dates? In that case, this is the book for you.

Räkna på svenska gives you the opportunity to practice everything related to numbers — in Swedish.

  • Listen to phone numbers, personal numbers, years, dates, prices and other combinations of numbers. The material has plenty of listening comprehension exercises so that you can strengthen your listening skills in different contexts.
  • Practise speaking about different topics where numbers occur. Many discussion exercises give you the chance to use your skills in everyday situations.
  • Explore words, concepts and idiomatic expressions that are related to numbers. In this way, you expand your Swedish vocabulary.
  • Learn Swedish rules of writing for decimals, high numbers, percentage, dates and much more.

    Räkna på svenska is created for all Swedish learners that use numbers in their everyday lives or at work. Especially mathematicians, economists, engineers and medical professionals will find valuable information in the book, but you will not need to have any such prior knowledge to use it. All exercises relate to common everyday situations such as weather, cooking, making phone calls, addresses, clothes sizes, dates, times of the day, prices and much more.

    The book includes conversion tables for the metric system, The small format makes it easy to carry with you in your pocket or bag.

    Räkna på svenska is written by Sofi Tegsveden Deveaux, an experienced teacher of Swedish as a second language, with an expertise in technical Swedish. Sofi is the writer of several books in professional Swedish, for example Läkar-svenska, Läkemedelssvenska and Arkitektsvenska.

<p>Sofi Tegsveden Deveaux</p>

<p>Sofi Tegsveden Deveaux</p>


Sofi Tegsveden Deveaux teaches Swedish as a second language since 2008. She is the writer and co-writer of several books including Läkarsvenska, Sjukdomssvenska, Läkemedelssvenska and Räkna på svenska.